NUMEROLOGY - Askganesha Astrology

12 March, 2018
NUMEROLOGY - Askganesha Astrology NUMEROLOGY - Askganesha Astrology

Whats your Number????

The path that we take in our life is determined by the choices we make, life path numerology is probably one of the influential numerology aspects. It is based on the birth date of the individual. The life-path analysis indicates the precise characteristics that are dominant all through your lifetime. Moreover, that number is determined by life-path.


What is Numerology????

We can say that in numerology the very essence of a human personality is based on life-path number. It also provides clarity about signs, of other barrier and other triumphs are coming our way throughout life.


Following is the method of calculating the life-path: How can life- path number is calculated?

  • First comes the birth date: Your birth date is an indicator, and a window to your life- path.
    For example: June 15, 2001
  • Reduce to single digit by addition:Reducing month, day and year to a single digit by addition, or summing them.

Month: Since June is the 6th month.
So by adding the digits 0+6=6

Day: the birthday is 15th
So by adding the digits 1+5=6

Year: year of birth is 1999
So if we add the digits 2+0+0+1= 3.

Finally, Month +Day+ Year
6+6+3=15, Adding 15 also, 1+5=6.

Finally: Hence the life path number is 6

So what does your life path number says:

There are numbers that represents different characteristics.

For Example:

People with total of 1- life path number are primarily Leaders.

Thosewith total of 2-life path number are primarily Mediator.

People with total of 3- life path number are primarily Communicators.

Those with total of 4- life path number are primarily Teacher

People with total of 5- life path number are primarily Freedom Seeker.

Those with total of 6- life path number are primarily Nurturer.

People with total of 7- life path number are primarily Seeker.

Those with total of 8- life path number are primarily Powerhouse.

People with total of 9- life path number are primarily Humanitarian.

  • Life Path Number 1 Leader:
    The main aim of the people with life path number 1 is mainly to develop and innovate new things, creativity and confidence. As 1, your presence here is to act on the creative ideas and at the same time become a leader. In the same way, People with the path number 1 are by nature: innovative, original thinker, energetic. Etc. But, at the same time Narcissistic, Self-important, intolerant, and insecure.
  • Life path Number 2- Mediator:
    The main aim of the people with life path number 2 is mainly to develop harmony, peace, stability, and cooperation. As 2, its all about feeling needed, loved and respected, your inputs are valued and cherished. Thus, your nature is Sensitive, intuitive, and supportive, at the same time you are you are childish, immature, self- centered.
  • Life Path Number 3- Communicator:
    The purpose of your life is develop, creative expression, happiness and way to facilitate communication. As 3, one might feel that everyone can do what you do because it is so easy for you to do. You are by nature: expressive, facilitator of communication, artistic, witty. Etc., at the same time you are superficial, emotional, volatile, fearful etc.
  • Life Path Number 4- Teacher:
    The purpose of your life is develop such processes that promotes stability, and enables everyone to meet their goals. You make a fantastic and superlative teacher, it doesnt matter whether you land up being a professional teacher or not. One more attribute is that you are the best person to surpass in the managerial field. You are attributed as a builder. And you think out of box. Furthermore you are: dependable, stable, loyal and trustworthy at the same time you are also rigid, bossy, way to blunt, unorganized etc.
  • Life Path number 5- Freedom Seeker:
    You are seeker of fearless adventure, your purpose is to give yourself the permission for self experience before retiring or settling down at the same time to create the constructive use of freedom. We know that the number 5 is number of excess. You by nature are freedom lovers, adventurous and fearless, but at the same time you are indulgent excessive and restless.


  • Life Path number 6- Nurturer:
    You with number six, have the purpose of life to develop responsibility, and pursuits of visions, you are meant to be your own boss or in other words you dont like to be dictated. You are by nature and entertainer and you dont need anything or anyone to keep you entertained. Anything in the field of judiciary, and justice excites you, you give importance to your family and friends and relationships. Further, your natureis family oriented, romantic, artistic, at the same time you are also perfectionist, self righteous and meddler.
  • Life path number 7- Seeker:
    The purpose of your life is to create spirituality, trust and openness. What you are seeking is the answer to lifes big questions, you a person who lives a life in their head, and you tend to over analyze everything around you. You are now in a phase of learning- how to manage your emotional side of life. Furthermore, you are great with all the career options that you select. similarly, Your nature are analytical in mind, knowledge- driven, and spiritually inclined, and at the same time, critical, obsessive and get frustrated easily.
  • Life path Number 8-Powerhouse:
    Your lifes purpose is to develop a constructive relationship with finance and money, control and authority. You are destined to create a bang in the world of money, authority and control. And One can create and generate good authority and control. You are in the world to master the art of success in this materialistic world. similarly, Your nature are financially abundant, and powerful at the same time you are also you are controlling, opinionated, and passive.
  • Life path Number 9:
    Humanitarian: Your life purpose is to create situations of humanitarianism, wisdom and integrity.Andyou are mainly versatile and you are successful in anything that is your passion, your feeling of fulfillment comes from the big or small act of Humanitarian services. Thus, with your Zeal to create new environment and your humanitarian wisdom, you can make difference to the world. Hence, you are mainly compassionate, magnetic, generous, but at the same time you are as well submissive, close-minded and arrogant.


At AskGanesha you can get your numerology analysis, done by our astrologer as well as you can do it your self as well by taking our free service of Numerology compatibility calculator.

Nadi Astrologer, Numerologist, Energy Reiki Healer and Lal Kitab Expert
Enrolled with PhD (Computer Science), Completed Jyotish Acharya and learned various Astrology systems and Lal Kitab from different Gurus.

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